
Built my i5 2500k, 8Gb RAM, 128 Gb SSD, and GTX 460 about 2 years ago. Runs great. My only complaint is the OCZ SSD I decided to go with. It is quick, but I get a BSOD every now and then. It's a firmware issue, and I haven't found a fix.

Laptops - Fan noise and heat.

Now he just needs to learn how to not burn bacon to a crisp!

So you are saying I should tip the barista to make my $4 coffee correctly? What kind of entitlement world do you live in?

I actually bought my pen before I found about about Goulet, so I've only purchased inks and a pen as a gift from them. My pen is a Levenger True Writer -—-Refills-8/Fountain-Pens-831/True-Writer-Fountain-Pen—New-Core-185.aspx.

I know this doesn't answer the question at all, nevertheless, I have tried so many different electronic ways to keep a journal: Evernote, Dropbox, Day One, txt file, etc. I could never commit to doing anything until I started using good 'ol pen and paper.

Yes! One of the few perks of my company. It is a small business, no 401K :(, but they do give bonuses. It is usually roughly the equivalent of 1 paycheck around Christmas time.

Work computer.

That is painful. I'm sorry...

Thanks for all your contributions to LH! I've thoroughly enjoyed what you have offered. Looking forward to see what you have in store with Superhuman! Already made an account :)

3-4 usually. My wife tells me that's too much. I think I agree.

This is why the old 'approved commenter' system needs to come back.

Not actually true..


VOTE: Time Warner Cable

Vote: Uni-ball Signo

The SoHo/Little Italy area is really nice (avoid nearby Chinatown like the plague IMO). There are, of course, the really nice/expensive shops in SoHo, but there are also a lot of nice little restaurants and hole in the wall shops around there too.

The uneven columns don't bother me that much, but if they added a timestamp to each comment, that would be nice.

Different != Horrible.

I think they should have kept the button on the lower right to take you to the next thread. With both you could scan all of the comments if you are looking for something interesting, or you could continually click through the threads to read them all.