
You just nailed it. People, especially in the US, have this entitlement mentality that needs to go away. Just because a flight gets delayed does not entitle you to a free place to stay while you wait. Let's say you take the bus to work and it is running late and you get fired because you were late to work. Yes it


Success! It was Adblock plus for Chrome that was screwing it up.

Hello open thread! Happy Friday!

Awesome. I've got Matt Chandler (The Village Church), John Piper, Francis Chan, Mark Driscoll and Jimmy Seibert (Antioch Community Church). Great stuff to listen to at work.

The YogPod! I am Dave! Yognau(gh)t and I have the balls.

Civ V on sale for 17.00 on Steam. Any thoughts about the game? Would it be worth picking up? Reviews are polarized.

You poor, poor man.


"Say you're a codfish!"

I recommend using Remember the Milk and setting a reminder for every Friday at 8am to post the Open Thread.

I have the Kodak version of the flip. Waterproof, HD, cheap. Has worked well for me.

I want to approve this comment, but I don't know how anymore. Hopefully replying with approve it!

Curious - if you are spending so much on a graphics card why not go with the NVIDIA GTX 570?

Speaking of intuitiveness. One more thing that I thought was really weird was how programs installed. I downloaded Skype, Chrome and a couple others, ran the file that I downloaded, then I had the drag and drop the icon into the applications folder to actually install the program. It took me a second to realize

Those poor babies :'(

Being a Windows developer what I'm about to say is kind of a big deal.

+1 this page? I sure will!

I automate every bill I pay and keep track of my money with Seems to work pretty well. I haven't had any problems with forgetting how much money I have in my accounts and being short when I need the money in there.