@bornonbord: I'd still pick option 2
@bornonbord: I'd still pick option 2
@UnMicD: I think I'm going to un-♥ you so I can ♥ you again!
@lukestigdon: Definitely option 2. No contest.
@Zombie Ms. Skittles: I was wondering why I hadn't seen a Ms. Skittles comment today!
I'm assuming this is also true for reading. Too bad laying down with a book on my thigh makes it too far away to read :/
@Matthew: To solve your problem of printing things from school at home I would use a VPN tool like Hamachi. Once you have a VPN set up you can print to your home computer just like it was a network printer (because it is).
It looks like Adam wants us to discuss Avatar, so I'll start.
@Phoshi: Driving down to Houston, TX to see some family for a couple days, then its back to work on the 28th.
@ninedosus: Umm.. if you are using Windows you could make your desktop your favorite search page and then search from there. The major downsides to this are that you are stuck with IE rendering and you don't get tabs.
@lamintak: I really don't think it matters. I usually just coast if I'm being lazy, or I'll brake and down shift if I want to slow down quickly.
I prefer more screens instead of bigger screens.
VOTE: Google Groups
Next, facebook is going to implement yearly reminders of when your status went from "In a Relationship" to "Single"
@jeffk: I agree, I tried testing it on //localhost/ and it doesn't work, but then again it doesn't work on anything for me :(
Work - 1920 x 1200 on a 28" :( wish it was higher
This is great! I'm installing it right now. With this, hopefully I will stop hating shortened urls!
@UnMicD: I won't tell ;)
@Bonsai_halcyon: Funny you ask. I read this article yesterday, [news.yahoo.com]
@UnMicD: WAT!? LOL!
I just became a fan of LH on facebook. I had never even thought of it before today!