Swedish Murder Machine

The thing about that that bugs me is that people usually tout a $1 trillion initiative as the solution to our infrastructure woes, but the most recent estimate is that we have about $7 trillion in infrastructure needs.

No, the Constitution sets minimal ages; setting a maximal age is a different thing and has no Constitutional precedent. This is why the Civil Rights Act is compatible with the Constitution as the Age protected class is primarily concerned with people over 40.

Seems as though dementia would be self-apparent prior to election, presidential candidates and presidents usually issue physical fitness reports to the public, and nothing about age has a causal relationship with outdated worldviews. I suppose you do, although at a guess I would suspect that you are grasping at straws

What things?

I’m not sure specifically what you are referring to, but I presume you mean that the president has to be at least 35 years of age. This doesn’t conflict with the Civil Rights Act as the ‘Age’ protected class is anyone over 40.

Nope. There can be job requirements that have to be met, but you cannot simply ban a protected class. It would be analogous to a firefighter position: you can set requirements such as the ability to carry a certain weight over a certain distance, but you cannot ban women from applying.

The 25th Amendment doesn’t have anything to do with age. It is for a president that is, ‘incapacitated.’ Also the 25th Amendment doesn’t matter in relation to Trump because, assuming the majority of his Cabinet concludes that he is incapacitated, he can be reinstated as president simply by sending a letter to Congress

A fair enough position, but I would point out that these sorts of requirements pretty easily run afoul of the Civil Rights Act. 

I’m really glad it is coming to Steam; it is probably just something with me, but I could never play it because I couldn’t make sense of the ASCII graphics.

If I recall correctly, in the first episode of season one, the admiral says to Ed that they have 3000 ships to staff.

Eggs usually crack badly for me when I put them straight into boiling water. Does the puncture help prevent this?

Is there a cosmic horror aspect to it or is it focused on the drama of WW2?

Right. “Friends across the aisle.”

I presumed it was because his body was ready.

Andrew Torrez on the Opening Arguments podcast which tries to educate people about the law, went over Trump’s NDAs on one episode and concluded, for the most part, that they are largely unenforceable. They also have a regular segment tracking the legal scandals around the Trump Administration they call, “Yodel

Not with the child rape so much, though...

Somewhat amusingly, I just did my family’s taxes and we are getting back significantly more than in the past few years, although it is due to a bunch of specific circumstances. Because of it, we are planning a trip to Disney World. I get a little tickle every time I explain this to MAGAs that are paying more in taxes.

It should be pointed out that the private insurance in Canada and Europe is for pseudoscience woo like homeopathy or chiropractic. 

Who in the hell likes private insurance? Have these people never interacted with those vampires? WTF.

Somewhat ironic: I am a state government worker in Kentucky and we receive 4 hours of paid time off on election day for voting, by state law.