Swedish Murder Machine

Preeeettttyyy sure the real tragedy is the raped kids.

Sort of. Kentucky politics is a little more complicated than that; the three major population centers, Louisville, Lexington, and northern Kentucky (essentially Cincinnati) always go blue. The problem is that the rural populations are so low and relatively older that they overcome the blue vote. Governor Bevin is a

Harris’s announcement doesn’t waffle around with the term “exploratory committee,” which is mildly refreshing as I would be hard pressed to tell you what exactly an “exploratory committee” is but I do know what a “presidential campaign” is.

There is also the issue that Oprah is a giant bag of shit. She’s responsibly for inflicting Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil on the public, along with several other charlatans. She also served as the springboard for the anti-vaxxer movement and has also promoted a variety of pseudoscience fuckery over the years.

Warren very clearly and explicitly stated in her video on her DNA test, that she knows that tribal membership is determined by tribes and not DNA, and that she does not identify herself as a Native American. It is frankly bizarre that anyone thinks of it as a gaffe, and pretty much anyone that does thinks so simply

God Awful Movies does a much better job of taking on the horror of Christian pop culture.

The writing seems interesting, but from the video it just looks like a re-skinning of Bastion.

It seems like there is a possibility that we might have a President Pelosi. 

To be fair, the most appropriate way of honoring a Republican president is to deny government services to the public.

Today is a day in Novemeber ending in -y...


An aside, but makeup in television seems like an interesting subset culture in this discussion; as far as my understanding is, everyone on television wears makeup out of necessity because people look sickly without it due to the lighting and other factors. I’m kinda curious how this interplay works out between men and

Sometimes I look, sometimes I don’t. I think that the vast majority of any pain people experience from the flu shot is because they worked themselves up to it in their heads. The needles have gotten so small at this point that the only thing you really feel is the pressure from the plunger being depressed.

This one just works with good old gravity. No need for fancy moving parts.

I pay $1,000 per month on a mortgage payment for my 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house near campus and downtown. Here’s a protip: stop thinking that New York is the only place to live.

Great article.

Reminds me of a Communications class I took a few years back. I was significantly older than the 20-year-olds in the rest of the class and had a lot more world experience to draw on, but I was pretty shocked when the professor asked if men and women can just be friends with no sex involved and I was the only one that

This is a fairly old concept:

Came here to say this; that pseudo-mustache is the stuff of nightmares.