I know you Trumpettes love fake facts, but Trump lose the popular vote, so...less than half.
I know you Trumpettes love fake facts, but Trump lose the popular vote, so...less than half.
“more than half of us”
like i said. i’m going to do something stupid ;)
I can understand wanting to be part of the conversation, but seriously, do what I did when I borrowed GTA IV from a friend; realize it’s just not your thing and go play something you’ll enjoy. No one thing is for everyone. Everyone is not going to engage with a game the same way nor enjoy it (or not) for the same…
Even games with high acclaim aren’t going to work for everybody, and that’s fine. I’ve hated games that everybody loved and loved games that everybody hated.
Just so long as someone doesn’t go crazy by saying a game is objectively shit because they don’t like it or saying someone is objectively shit because they don’t…
I bet it also authentically shatters if you hit something with it
Ohhhh my god shutttuuppppp nobody cares about how big your military dick is America, not everything is about youuuuu.
As I said in another post. As an immigrant who comes from a country that has been declared to have no freedom of the press and where journalists keep being murdered without anyone doing shit: Freedom of speech IS EXACTLY WHY MANY OF THE BEST IMMIGRANTS COME HERE because we were tired of having to shut up in our own…
The fastest speedruns in Breath of the Wild are slightly over forty minutes. Link wakes up, rushes to Ganon, and…
Wow. Hitler is really seeing a rise in popularity during passover.
He was clean-shaven before the game started.
If they were going to leave this bug in, the least they could’ve done was make sure that the tire tracks are on fire when it happens.
Ugh - I can relate to this so much. As someone who doesn’t have a lot of friends, I was really looking forward to having a kid and making parent friends.
But daycare parents are rude as hell and NOT friendly.
I have made one friend, and we also take the train to work together. My husband always tries to initiate plans…