
Counterpoint: Don’t have PS4s, Kids are much better!

Get out. Go. Go play LttP. Now.

Oh nice! A local! Here’s some I took!

Much praise and salutes to your dedicated and wonderful daughter for the job she has taken. I got a sampling of the former situation as a sub taking a 2 month job teaching Spanish to upper middle class entitled brats and it just made me appreciate teachers even more.

D.Va: “Nerf This!”

Because I don’t have an interest in playing RE7 and want it spoiled?

No wonder I’m single...

At this point, it might be best for Trump to ask the Trump University Marching Band to play.

I’d like to say Breath of the Wild, but it ain’t March 3rd yet. Come back later!

Don worre.

Did mine on Best Buy. Now, fingers crossed they don’t drop the fucking ball like they did when I preordered the Majora’s Mask new3DS.

Did mine on Best Buy. Now, fingers crossed they don’t drop the fucking ball like they did when I preordered the

DAMMIT!!!!! I CAN’T WAIT THAT LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As usual...

So, the top three constitutes to:

Hey, hey...check this out...

I...I really think it’s settled in.

Ya know...with this and the Obamacare repeal threat, I’m starting to think this should be the Republican slogan:

“...and claimed that disabled children are “God’s vengeance” on women who have abortions...”

Coachella hasn’t been cool since EVER.

“Trump actually likes America and wants to see us all succeed.”