
I like how he’s wearing his coat like Japanese admarals and higherups do in anime and Japanese movies.

So overpriced.

Don’t be a cunt.

They're misogynist because they fight back.

No one cares. Go sit in the corner.

Think about what you said. You sound very stupid, even for someone that reads this site.

That's just America. Most other countries would actually take action.

This is Kotaku, you should never expect them not to lie or report wrongly here.

Oh, and the religious fucking with the school system to make children poorly educated enough to indoctrinate ino their delusions, corrupting future generations with evil.

Can an AI develop a mental illness and believe in all that nonsense?

"The good it has done is far outweighed by the wrongs perpetuated in its name."

Sorry, but all religion does need to be outlawed. A charity doesn't make up for all the kids they've brainwashed and raped, all the hate they've spread, all the oppression they force on whatever minorities can't fight back, all the wars they've caused, all the people they've killed, all the nature and animals they

It's no wonder your comment is so clueless when you're too stupid to comprehend my comment and think it's trolling. lol

Thing is that people who believe in religion are delusional and should all be locked up. The non-extremist ones actually do the most damage because they brainwash kids and spread their illness to the weak and stupid. They consume resources while helping kill the planet and are the cause of most hate from all their

Grats on being wrong?

What an unthinkingly ignorant thing to say. Raising a kid to be tolerant of the lunatics that are destroying the world and are the cause of most of the the hate is only a bad thing. It's a mental illness and we should put anyone that believes in a religion in an asylum until they can be cured.

Ya dun got caught, alien!

Only sexist people care about domestic abuse. Learn to hit back instead of demanding special treatment, or just call the fucking cops like rational person. Femenists are so stupid...

They're going through their employes and asking them if they'd like to retire, so they're retiring most if not all of them.

You grow up and ignore it like an adult. Quit trying to get men to protect you for what you brought on yourselves.