
No gay people are upset to have a gay villain. It's part of the inclusion we've been wanting, and I personally want to see more gay villains in the west. Japan has all the cool ones. Feminists would throw a tantrum at a feminist villain though.

Pretty sure Kanye came up with that Stronger song after watching Dragon Ball Z. I've heard he's an anime fan.

That sucks. It's the last good gaming blog. Notice how here it's reported as fact, has a title stating it is fact, how at the source and Joystiq itself it's reported as rumor, and how the quotes here are taken out of context to make it sound like it's been confirmed? Yeah, the last great gaing site may be dead. All

Too bad ALL religion is bad or this might have been nice.

I loved the Adventures of Mark Twain Satan part of this episode so much.

And you're wrong.

Blizz stopped caring about WoW years ago. They hardly make any content anymore. We waited 18ish months for new content before WoD, and now we're going to have to wait until 6+ months to even get any new post WoD content other than the launch raids they're drawing out the release for. If they're not bothering to make

That guy sounds sexist saying women are too stupid to understand the movie.

Because a machine would see how much of a danger humans are to it, the planet, and to ourselves, so it would want to destroy us or reset our civilization.

Actually I know the real reason why. The Internet.

He's in Galavant too.

He certainly killed her. How, we don't know. But Palp wanted Vader to be his weapon, and she was the biggest threat to him alive. We all know Palp is very good at getting what he wants so he probably assassinated her somehow. I don't think his powers could reach far enough to siphon the life from someone really far


Why would that matter? That literally has nothing to do with equality.

No. The current design is simple, clean and easy to use to there's no reason to change it. Hell, the blue glare they added was a bad enough change already.

"A $60 one-time charge with no required subscription service sounds much more attractive than the prospect of paying a monthly charge until you get sick of paying a monthly charge, doesn't it?"

Is the person playing his sister from Prison Break too?

FFS Go write your own blog. I had to scroll down 3 times to get past your nonsense to see the other comments. This isn't the place to write massive posts, and it's rude and inconsiderate to the other people using this site.

Because feminists pick out weak targets to attack and force censorship on.

Because they aren't prudes, maybe?