
You should probably think a little harder about that.

Were iPads even out yet when the TV TWD apoc started?

It's Rob Bricken, he bashes every show he does recaps on. He's a cancer to this site with his constant demoralizing of the community turning the weaker minded readers against the show. He's the reason there's so much hate against this show here even though it's one of the best on TV.

I was referring to a final ending for the whole game.

Isn't that what the new Walking Dead TV series is supposed to be? It may have been a rumor or mention of an early concept, but it sounded like it is going to be right as the apoc is happening.

XI could work as a singleplayer game with some tweaking. NPC's would need some proper AI, and more NPC's would need to be placed in the world to make up for the lack of players (I suggest something like Skyrim and the population series of mods from Skyrim) but with all XI has it could be a great sandbox RPG. Just

Final Fantasy 11 getting a singleplayer version would be great. Eventually the game will be shut down, but it being the 2nd best FF game (1st is FFT WotL obviously) it would be a tragedy to lose it. It would also mean they could add some more content to it and give the game an ending so those of us that have been

And Star Ocean First Departure!

War of the Lions needs a PC port more than another graphical update. It still looks good. The Tactics Advance and A2 games need a graphical update and a PC release too. Then a new sequel after all those are updated, or some kind of new Ivalice setting game.

My mom has a bunch of good condition amateur WWII photos a soldier took of the Japan part of the war. I wonder if I should upload them somewhere since we have a scanner. Though she says some of them are pictures of piles of dead Japanese soldiers.

White people...

As a gay man I'm just happy to have more love stories about gay characters, even if it's just fanfiction. There's so few gay stories. Never had anyone really ask me any questions about my gayness though. If they support LGBT rights then I would want to, but I'm easily embarrassed and get even more embarrassed when my

So how long until we can start legally executing republicans and the religious because they are a big part of what caused this? I want some vengeance. They damage the planet with their existence, and they consume resources they don't deserve.

Fuck that. The human species deserves to go extinct too. And our children, their children, and their childrens children deserve to suffer for what we've done to the world.

Don't get too attached, Syfy likes to cancel their good shows to make room for more of their bad programing. I expect them to cancel this so they can fund a couple more nonsense Shark movies.

Well you have to be an idiot to not see that the two are very different.

The marbles represent people.

"Now he should work on what happens to all those socks that somehow disappear when you do the laundry."

Was expecting an article about religion, but learned about something new that occasionally happens to me.

Poor fellow. There are medications that help with delusions such as that. A giant white sky-wizard didn't create the earth or the human species, nor did the other wizards. That's obviously ridiculous.