
Or they are just smarter than you. The game you buy for $60 isn't really yours and can have its servers shut down at ANY TIME. If the dev feels they've made enough money and doesn't want to leak money on server upkeep then the people that bought it are screwed.

Now playing

Building AI's to fight each other in games is so much cooler than those little remote controlled battlebot arenas from early 2000's. Now we need to combine them.

We'll be like them soon enough.

Or for your RP needs Balmung.

Rift was horrible at launch and has only gotten worse with F2P. It's one of the worst MMO's out right now and was all kinds of mismanaged by the ever incompetent Trion. That POS is more screwed up than ArcheAge. Trion has no idea on how to handle MMO's.

Final Fantasy XI is one of the best FF games ever made. You should play it before dismissing it. It's been made way easier for you casuals and you can solo through most of the content now. If you ever try it I recommend joining up with the Reddit LS on Asura since they are pretty big and are active. It's 1000 times

It's a reskinned WoW with a poor leveling system. You don't know what you're talking about. FFXI was an EQ clone too.

There is supposed to be another big one time world event that will bring in the xpac. That's about the only thing you'll miss out on if you don't play. The event was announced a while back but I haven't seen anything about it since.

The leveling system is doing dungeons over and over 100's of times or joining a group that's doing FATE's. If you're questing then you're doing it wrong.

Poorly done leveling system. Definitely the worst I've ever seen in an MMO. Sad for an MMO where leveling other classes is part of end game.

You probably should have learned to play before quitting. And you should learn how the combat works before whining.

From the looks of those pictures I'd say the black ranger got a tan.

19-Year-Old Adult

It says he's producing. Where did it say he's going to play Poe?