
It’s not Pence we’re afraid of. It’s Mitch. Pence is out of his depth, and he knows it.

Yeah, the list of names is easy. The ones that still work there is easy.

The turnover in those places is nutso. They generally hire young people with little education, will readily hire people who don’t speak any english/spanish and not provide documentation in their native tongue, and work them in 16 hour shifts at minimum wage until they break.

At least in some states, that’s illegal.

No, but it’s standard practice for some strings to be attached unless they’re 100% innocent. Honestly, given that this poor woman has spent her entire adult life in prison, having some guidance once she’s out isn’t the worst idea.

Age of consent in Tennessee is 18, unless you’re within 4 years of age.

My favorite is when they screw up their own overly complicated billing, and expect you and your insurance company to fix it.

Medical billing is almost as big of an industry as actually performing medicine.

I mean, it sucks to be her, because likely her boss ordered her to do it. She could have/would have been fire for insubordination and another prosecutor would have taken over and done the exact same thing.

This is the best, dumbest thing I’ve seen in a long time.

This is the best, dumbest thing I’ve seen in a long time.

“Prolly” was used as slang in books from the 20's and was defined and cited in the 40s as slang for Probably. Pretending to be mad at kids these days, actually complaining about your grandparents generation.

Start a new division dedicated to manual labor. We can think outside the box here.

It should be an option, but an extreme one. Throwing him in jail doesn’t get the mom & kid any more money, AND the rest of us end up paying to house, feed, and guard him.

She didn’t get an indictment on a grand jury case. Grand juries indict 99.99% of cases brought before them. In 2010, of the 193,000 cases the feds looked at, 11 of them didn’t get an indictment. Not 11k, 11.

Wage garnishment is actually pretty easy to get through. They were revoking probation for people not making payment, throwing them in jail, thus making them unable to pay it.

Now playing

Meth, mmmmmm, meth! I don’t sleep, and I don’t eat, but I’ve got the cleanest house on the street! Meth, ooooooh meth!

Cleaning up Times Square by throwing clean paper on it instead of dirty is about right. Soak up all that pee.

So, here’s the thing about hotels. They’re not a 10 billion dollar hospitality business. They’re a very loose confederation of thousands of different 50 million dollar properties, a lot of which are run by one of a couple dozen different management companies, even within the same property chain.

I think you mean Hoppin John’s on New Year’s Day!