
you missed my point, possibly because I was rambling and unclear. Your average Israeli citizen has been in the service and either fucked shit up in Palestine before or possibly served in Lebanon if they're a little older. These kids are removed, but teenage assholes on twitter are hardly representative of the public

But there is a difference over there. The is a draft, for one. Pretty much all men and women must serve in the armed forces and many of them are put in danger in the territories and if not them then someone they know. Although these girls look under 18, so being a stupid teenager does contribute.

Yep. I'm Jewish, went through the system...I don't live in Israel, and they certainly don't give a shit about my opinion, and they don't let me how is it "my" homeland again?

I see you've never heard of the UN. Just a question: do you perhaps have a detailed opinion on how the number of people murdered in the holocaust has been grossly exaggerated?

The knee-jerk support for Israel from some Jewish people has always been disturbing to me. During one of the many conflicts between Israel and Palestine, a Jewish woman said that when her kids complained about their first-world problems she would tell them to think about the children suffering in Israel. And I

That poll doesnt mention POC. Also it says only 55% of self describing liberals and 63% of indepdenents support Israel. Wanna guess who the other 45%and 37% are?

No, that's not the case. Instead of backing a country, the U.S. can back a solution—a diplomatic solution like you say.

Actually, the main reason this country generally supports Israel is because they have an amazing PR machine. If you have a chance, check out "Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land", a documentary about the Israeli PR campaign in this country. It's fascinating. It completely changed my mind about the entire conflict.

I think most of the self-absorbed assholes in the U.S. don't really know much about Israel and don't really care.

Shit, even my Polish Catholic grandparents, who survived the concentration camps in Poland in WWII, didn't side with the Israelis.

"As a Jew, and as someone who has been raised to always support Israel (which, according to my parents, is my spiritual home, although I have never been)"

Uhh...when Mozart was alive, there was no male Jack the Ripper either. Aside from which, as someone who studies this sort of thing with actual science, there is no link between sadism, psychopathy, or violence and creativity. Virginia Woolf's ideas about female geniuses in the past hold much more water (Shakespeare

The worse part is that his female equivalent is always the butt of the jokes made in the movie.

You seem more concerned with protecting the reputation of soldiers than with what happened to Sarah Goode. Did you really need to derail with some #notallsoldiers bullshit? Also, the word 'savages' has a lot of racist and colonialist history and connotations. Can you use a different word?

I disparage no one (my family contains vets from the Union lines on down; male and female), though will all out injustice wherever it is. I'm merely stating a fact. I don't buy the No True Scotsman fallacy.

There hasn't been an armed conflict where anyone has fought for "our freedoms" since 1945.

"What an asshole." - The late, great Molly Ivins on Paglia

I understand the sentiment, but the No True Scotsman fallacy is very inappropriate in this instance, considering the severe issues our armed forces have with sexual violence.

That woman is an idiot.