Dude, we're not ENCOURAGING anything. It's just that "Trick Or Treat" is a threat, and if you don't follow up, you hurt the candy-gathering potential of EVERYBODY.
Dude, we're not ENCOURAGING anything. It's just that "Trick Or Treat" is a threat, and if you don't follow up, you hurt the candy-gathering potential of EVERYBODY.
You didn't say it's ok to bully people, you just said that you don't give a shit how treating people poorly makes them feel.
Since when did "choosing not to be judgmental when you have NO IDEA whether the person eats McDonald's or homemade salads every day" become fat apologia? Furthermore, why should fat have to apologize? Every body is a good body and nobody knows how any other person became the way they are. You know what happens when…
I think bullying people for smoking is shitty, too, but smoking is something you can do or not do. Eating is not. Furthermore, many people do not have food choices. For MANY people in this country (not all, but certainly a non-negligible number) the food choices boil down to "take it" or "leave it." Do you think it's…
I totally agree with you. However, I think that a poorly sampled study of college men is more eye roll inducing then a legitimate and holistic look at our cultural standards. In certain instances, giving attention to studies about entitled university man babies (took that from you :) ) moves from an academic eye to…
"Obese children are a HUGE problem in this country..."
You're not biting because you know it doesn't fit with your ridiculous explanation of why men stare at women's butts more than their faces. Still, you could have at least named one hormone, since you cite them as the root of sexual desire that you purport to understand.
Yeah, it's also your instinct to piss and take a dump where you stand. However, most humans learned otherwise. I'm sure your cop-out on how you're entitled to take a shit on a public bus might be filled with passive-aggressive and misogynistic pearls, too.
I'm so embarrassed for you right now.
Women would be happier if we just shut up and took it? Fuck you.
I'm not interested in how your posts are supposed to be interpreted. I have a pretty good idea of their worth by now. But let me get this straight - gay people also have the hormones responsible for the urge to reproduce even though their desire is oriented in a dead-end street as far as reproduction is concerned?…
The urge to reproduce does not come with a license to be an asshole.
It absolutely does. I live in a culture where the male gaze dominates absolutely, there's hardly any concept of independent female sexuality, and you know what women tout as being sexy, appealing, pleasing? Other women. Specifically, the type of woman that is currently billed as the height of sexy. I suggested slash…
Why would men in other parts of the world behave any differently than you? You're all biologically male, are you not? Also noticed the veiled threat men often deploy when they're criticized about their treatment of women: Watch yourself/know your place because we could treat you much worse.
Dude meant that if women would just, like, ignore all the sexism in the world (the sexism that instills in us the notion that we are only as valuable as our fuckability, and at the same time systematically undermines our self-esteem and acceptance of our looks) and just, you know, be confident, then men would…
"I feel like women would be much happier if they were able to work with/around [being treated only as bodies existing for male aesthetic and sexual gratification] rather than demanding that it change."
It doesn't look all that cruel. The food appears to be in reach even, they just have to stand on the slippery part to get it.
Here are some ducklings willfully going down a tiny water slide, over and over again. Presumably, their cygnet…