How is this thread not out of the gray yet?! You bring up great (and disturbing) topics to think about.
How is this thread not out of the gray yet?! You bring up great (and disturbing) topics to think about.
oh! And let me clarify that I would never, never, never state to a child or parents that a child would definitely re-offend. Just as a doctor would strongly suggest antibiotics for an infection, I would advise the treatment I thought the child would most greatly benefit from. If I could not provide that treatment…
I just stood up at my computer at work and did a "BOO-YA!" for you at my workplace.
This is a difficult question. First, let me state I do not dispute that children do possess a great capacity for growth and development. When I work with a child, I am working with that child's parents/guardians and environment as well. I have very little control over these factors, unless the court has mandated…
I agree with you. I do not dispute that I cannot definitively state whether or not a child will re-offend. I was stating my opinion, which is based on my professional work with juvenile sex offenders. Obviously every child and every case is unique and should be treated as such.
*deep breath* I have been a victim advocate for 10 years and I also happen to be in Colorado. The sex offender registry is imperfect, but this blurb of an article doesn't begin to adequately address the complexities of why. To clarify a few things: You won't find yourself on the sex offender registry in our state for…
I am a gray, but hopefully someone will see this. My mom works with juvenile sex offenders, and I am involved in similar work. It truly varies from child to child. It is possible that a child is reacting to their own abuse, but it is also possible that a child is expressing something far more worrisome. I have worked…
You can exclude aggressive huggers and public urinators from the sex offenders list without having to eradicate the list entirely. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Studies show that pedophiles do not rehabilitate. There must be a system to prevent pedophiles from having access to more victims.
Part of a common thread in the US justice system that focuses on offenders "getting theirs" rather than actually reducing recidivism.
It's perfectly reasonable to save the life you personally know and love instead of the one who's a stranger to you.
Depends which human was drowning. My dog vs my neice , I'd go for my neice and hope my dog would remember to kick her legs long enough for me to go back. My dog vs complete stranger, sorry random citizen, I'll come back for you later.
People who chant things in unison are almost always assholes, regardless of the chant.
yeah. its stupid kids being stupid ya see. not like there's actual major assault problem at colleges. maybe if they were chanting something that was advocating racism/murders..then it would actually be wrong. when it concerns women - its just jokes, common wisdom/not to be worked up about.
A close relative of mine said "They just lack impulse control" :( awe poor babies.
"You're right my statement isn't fair to men." nope. what's not fair is that us women can't go anywhere without some pervert bothering us.
perverts who are men do.
I'm convinced it's the lack of consent they like.
Because they find the taboo act of violating women's privacy sexually stimulating. Or, they just see all women at all times as sexual objects to be used for their gratification, even when they are in a nonsexual ,innocuous milieu.
Because by existing in public a woman grants permission to be plastered on the Internet.
I sleep nude, I didn't realize it was something I was going to be judged about by Jezebel.