
and the best thing is, i dont have to read that shithole's posts to know that he's getting beaten to death. get used to eating dirt, shithole.

it totally is, and anyone with a brain that isnt lodged in his foreskin knows it.

Of course its animal cruelty. How long do those ducks have to do that? Until they die of exhaustion? Baby everythings including ducks need to sleep most of the day, but here these dumbfucks are, starving them, killing them.

Someone needs to do a counterpoint piece about the word 'dude' because this whole page is too gross to handle.

Never saw it, but all these people on here saying that they use the word 'dude' prolifically and indiscriminately confirms my suspicions about what kind of people post here.

'Dude' should not be said by man alone. And, it should not be said by anyone who isnt in California, where it's native.

No. Youre the kind of moron who says their cat is just naturally fat and shirks responsibility for the pet you have. You are a fucking boil on the ass of literally everyone who is a decent pet owner. You asses all say the same kind of shit, trying to deflect any responsibility with some bullshit dunious anecdote


If you read that article like you are saying right now, then you are exponentially DUMBER than anyone thought you were before.

this is just such a motherfucking dumb thing to write about. im sure your cunt is a special special snowflake that births the 2nd coming of christ, but using a pregnancy as a motivator to making your life BETTER...??? Uh NO; look around you outside of your white privlgd little snowflake of a bubble, because that is

Ah yes GO FUCK YOURSELF, instead of fucking over your pet, you smug selfsatisfied shit tart.

I can stop right the fuck before even ending reading your first IGNORANT sentence. YOU DUMBFUCK, did you READ the fucking news article? NO. you did NOT. Instead you got your blubbery fingers typing up some blubbery bullshit fucking lecture about how ...Im guessing no one shod blame abyone for anything. Thats usually

YOU need to FUCK COMPLETElY OFF. YOURE the fukin PROBLEM, and everything you say is BUSLLSHIT. the fact that idiots like you feel the need to justify your shitty irresponsible and cruel behavior is pathetic.

Youre a fucking moron who is MAKING EXCUSES. just like the people who caim their pets are naturally 5x their weight. YOUR. FUCKING. EXCUSES. ARE. PATHETIC.

youre completely full. of. shit. that ex-owner of the "beloved" petfo the last few years let her roam around and found her with her leg crushed in the street —HE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT, jut like anyone else would be, if they let their at roam. yourea fucking idiot who probably does the same fucking thing. so fuck

cant. allergic.

Im fucking sick of these blubbering selfish asshole owners who cant care for their pets and ultimately dont give a fucking shit about them. This piece of shit ex-owner of that cat let it roam around and only 2 months ago found it on the side of the road with its leg crushed to pulp. THAT IS NOT SOMEONE TO FEEL

It's cruel to let your cat roam outside and its irresponsible to everyone else, so good im fucking glad someone had the balls to pick a THREE_FUCKING_ LEGGED cat up and give it a home where it wont be pounded to COMPLETE shit on the road NEXT TIME, or have its eyes scratchedout by another cat, or killed by a dog or

Dont watch the video, Instead imagine him being lynched by his tie as it magically came to life after hearing his comments and decided to choke the life out of him for being associated with him.

well what did you expect, living in florida in october?