
If we’re going to watch a guilty pleasure movie with a white savior narrative, let’s watch The Last Samurai.

take your star

Absolutely agree. The world is less violent than it’s ever been before.

Avo toast all day

Also from the town hall:

This is just Trump Code for: I had the security tapes wiped after she resisted my advances.

For real.

What kinds of misconceptions? Honestly curious.

Oh come on, man.

This is a great topic.

Yep, it’s a shame.

It all works wonderfully on paper.

Fair point.

I think part of the problem is that the films have never dug particularly deep into what “turning to the dark side” really means.

I imagine Mueller asking straightforward, pointed questions and then just letting Trump talk and talk and talk in circles, like a sloppy toddler pawing at an explanation, until he eventually gets tired or incriminates himself.

You put far too much faith in the intelligence of corporate brand managers.


I wrestled quite a bit with building myself or buying a pre-built rig.

There will be some small-scale violence, but most Trump supporters are cowards. They talk big, but will crumple when it actually matters.

I agree with almost all the points you made.