
Oh of course. I just mean it was a “great take” in the sense that it was an interesting perspective. And it made sense for where his character was at emotionally.


Oh for sure. He’d achieved his purpose, forgiven himself, saved his sister, and confronted his apprentice. All boxes checked, time for Jedi heaven.

Re: Luke’s astral read of the scene was that it was the sheer effort that killed him, not any “wounds” he sustained with his fight with Kylo.

I agree with you on Snoke.

What didn’t you like? If you don’t mind me asking.

My jaw was unhinged from my face for a full 3 minutes. Jesus.


I disagree, honestly.

Episode 1 is *absolutely* the best prequel by a country mile.

Seconded. It’s fucking sublime.

“Misery porn” is the perfect encapsulation of why I don’t watch this nonsense anymore.

Here’s hoping live action. Animated would be fine, I guess, but these stories deserve the GoT treatment.

Man, that moment when Geralt and Ciri find each other on the farm...still brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

So many side characters and villains I’m dying to see adapted.

But Franken isn’t accused of raping anyone...

Annnnnd we continue to eat our own while the even bigger assholes prop each other up and laugh all the way to the apocalypse.

Change is definitely not going to happen overnight.

