
Is that your takeaway from having been involved in said Greek culture?

It’s a very fratty company.

That’s *got* to be creating some cognitive dissonance for the liberal, bearded, brewing bros of America.

I have zero problems with this approach.

My family isn’t even all that dysfunctional and every year I want to do this.

That whole Laurence Fishburne segment is just lame as hell.

A roaming, open-world Jedi adventure a la The Witcher 3.

This is some Tucker Max-level shit.


I believe he’s the one that goes “Woo!” a lot?

Is this the guy that goes “WOO”

Looks like it’s set right around the time when the Mongols failed to invade Japan.

Yea, Lizardmen are high on my list of factions to try.

Yes they do.

Oh man. Better make that 2021.

Hell, I’m still playing TW: Warhammer 2. (It’s awesome)

I’d love to see Creative Assembly take a crack at the GoT universe.

Dachschunds don’t take shit from anyone.

He made a distasteful joke. He recognized it. He apologized for it.

I’m thinking the metallic thing is some kind of poultice or healing material. Then he’s all better by the time he’s with Rey (IF he’s with Rey)