Where would you have taken the story?
Where would you have taken the story?
Yes. TFA is accused of playing it safe, but it did anything but.
Thankfully, I’ve never seen a movie where they kill a dachschund.
He does cover it.
Most people weighing in on this issue don’t know a damn thing about these Confederate figures beyond “racist”.
Well this looks totally forgettable.
The greyed replies pretty much sum it up ;)
It bugged me too. At first.
This is such a fucking waste of production resources.
The existence of female warriors throughout history is usually rooted in prowess, not identity. They were still very much thought of as women, and described as such.
Reports also seem to indicate that Trevorrow thought he was hot shit; that arrogance combined with a handful of lackluster script drafts...adios.
Yeah, I think Carrie Fisher’s death threw a giant, near-insurmountable wrench into the plot of IX.
Eh, Marco Polo was kind of a weird concept for a show. Taking a dusty historical figure most people know as a pool game and trying to make him some sexy hero had no chance of resonating.
Just do something on Japan’s ‘warring states’ period.
Shogun 2: Total War.
Robert E. Loreal with that hair.
This is the Mean Girls to end all Mean Girls.
The boys aren’t the titular “Lord”.