Was hoping for a better look at their take on the Norse gods (Thor, Odin, Loki, etc). But this still looks dope.
Was hoping for a better look at their take on the Norse gods (Thor, Odin, Loki, etc). But this still looks dope.
The Brigmore Witches / Daud DLC from the first game is exceptional.
Interesting. I’m sold.
Dachshunds, generally, are very sweet. But only to their owners. They don’t give a fuck about you or your stranger danger nonsense. Pitbulls are also very loving dogs, provided they have loving owners.
Several of them likely made closed-door promises to Russian diplomats in exchange for help swinging the election in Trump’s favor.
Exactly. Subtext matters.
I’m 28 and consider myself fairly dialed in to meme-speak.
Oh he’s smart. He just knows that speaking in a down-to-earth, colloquial manner makes you appear more trustworthy in the public eye.
CDPR: Lol, okay. Leak it. Whatever. We’ll be over here making another timeless game that barely resembles the “gold mine” you think you’ve found.
Yeah, that’s not alcohol.
Never played the original trilogy, but I’m intrigued by the galaxy-hopping sci-fi premise.
It’s disheartening to come to terms with, but most politicians are not men/women of strong ethics. They may start out that way, but temptation of lobbyists and the looming crush of their constituents turns the majority of them into self-serving sycophants before long.
Ugh the boss/employee comment.
Thanks for doing what ya do.
Haha, yes you’re almost done.
Witcher 3, the game where you THINK you’re in the home stretch no less than 5-6 times.
Currently on Prey, very much enjoying it.
I’ve always wondered if the majority of conservative politicians are true believers or just opportunists who know how to manipulate the rubes. I’m thinking the latter.
Oh yea, I think they know exactly where their bread is buttered.