What is it with Russians and bears?
What is it with Russians and bears?
This a huge problem from a big picture perspective.
Ugh this.
We have not succeeded - and probably never will - but escalation will only make things demonstrably worse for everyone.
I share your optimism. I think he’ll be taken down. But it saddens me to think of what it says about us that we’re here at all. That the political rhetoric has drifted in such backwards, anti-intellectual directions.
Isn’t one of our ends achieving a society where everyone isn’t armed to the teeth?
On a long enough timeline, sure.
You make valid points; But for me, it just boils down to “guns should be a privilege, not a right”. And when it comes to the law, no ship has ever truly sailed - for better or worse.
What is this from?
Why are all Stephen Millers pieces of shit.
Right back at ya. Always appreciate some polite political discourse :)
It’s another example of how so many people weirdly deify police officers and military servicemen. They put them up on this sacred pedestal. It’s bizarre. They’re just people doing a job; is it dangerous? Yes, but I don’t understand the fetishization of those roles.
Is it though? Seems a little unclear.
I am absolutely willing to confiscate millions of guns. Absolutely.
Yep. There are so many more deserving recipients for our empathy, compassion, and understanding.
I have a fond memory of elementary school in which our child brains boiled down the Clinton v Dole race to “Sax Man vs The Banana Guy”.
That’s interesting.
It certainly is, but I think the practical reality of modern weaponry has outpaced the imaginations of our forefathers. The average person doesn’t need to have the ironclad right to wield that kind of destructive power on a whim.
Whoa there, bud.