They seem to have learned all the wrong lessons from Battlefield 1.
They seem to have learned all the wrong lessons from Battlefield 1.
*sips Haterade*
Being a shitty person has gone mainstream.
Yeah, I bet her opposition just shrugs and laughs this gesture off.
What a beautiful song.
A) He didn’t say anything to the press. A “source” quoted a private comment.
Jesus christ, they’re two grown-ass adults. He said she’s hot. Who gives a shit.
It really is a shame.
Southerner here.
Pretty clear he was indicating that he thinks of Hawaii as an occupied territory and that the people should be thrall to the whims of the “real” mainland Americans.
As a dude, I don’t experience it directly that often.
Well fuck him, then.
It’s not anyone’s business, true.
It’s not really an aggressive, shame-y kind of pressure, but more of a “tick tock!” kinda thing from grinning busybodies. Usually accompanied with a heaping side of “Oh you’ll change your mind! Don’t wait too long!”.
I don’t hate kids, I just don’t enjoy their company.
They’re gonna paint him blue aren’t they.
As much as we bitch, the US is the kind of country you want in possession of nuclear weapons. North Korea is not. Iran is not. And it’s not because they are unlike us. It’s because you cannot trust aggressive regimes with the greatest destructive force warfare has ever known.
Scary as they are, the existence of nuclear weapons has prevented a lot of full-scale conflicts that might’ve killed millions. It’s regrettable that we have to live out the rest of civilization with something so terrifying hanging over our heads, but they have been a stabilizing force in the decades following WW2.
No dictatorship needs nuclear weapons. Bottom line.