
It’s not that we think our marriage couldn’t withstand the stress of a child. We would just rather spend our lives strengthening the bond between us, not juggling it with the compounded stress of raising spawn. I think it’s fair to say that for a vast majority of parents, the development of the child takes precedence

I’ve never understood why people think deciding to not pump out a few spawn is “selfish”.



Im with you.

There’s no way in hell the Trumps are ever seizing power indefinitely. I think he’s less concerned with a “dynasty”, and all this nepotism is an extension of his need to create a bubble of comfort. He’s a fragile man, our president. Having his family and gaggle of yes-men around all the time keeps him sane. It’s been

See, I don’t think these people are evil.

They aspire to be modern-day Kennedys.

Those are my favorite non-witcher armors as well. Although the Undvik amor and the Hjindarsfall armor are pretty badass too.

Hmm, more like he was admitted *in spite of* his answer.

Yeah most of the standard stuff is pretty bleh-looking.

Yeah, every other bandit drops a shitty sword and some boots. They sell for a decent price though. I just hated lugging it all around.

HAH, that’s great.

Y’all keep bringing up The Witcher 3, and so I must keep giving my opinion on it.

Made a similar comment above. That is absolutely what the creator and author mean by “practical” lol.

I think the creator is using “practical” as shorthand for “not ridiculous boob armor”.

Yeah, pacing yourself is good.

Read the primer Kotaku published a while back, just to get the basics of the lore straight in your head. There’s going to be a lot of “Remember when...” convos between characters that’ll sail over your head, but they’re largely inconsequential to the immediate story.

I’ve seen the “reminds me of an ex” complaint made about Yennefer a lot.

I have a similar issue with my Dad. He was a good Dad - supportive, kind, strong and encouraging - but he also had some viewpoints and parenting habits that I still haven’t quite reconciled myself with. It’s by no means full-blown disdain, as you put it, but it’s always been a stumbling block to getting closer with