
Is this show actually making Stan's flip believable? If that is the direction they are going, I'm pretty damned impressed.

Well I never meant to imply that the conversation was anything less than enlightening, but when I have to wake up early for work and only have time to read one or the other, I just prefer to be apart of the conversation with my peers. I normally read the full review the next day though.

Yeah I tend not to read most of them because it takes too long. I just scroll to the user comments now.

Or you know….the several other rapes that happen in the show. Honestly the only thing shocking about the scene was that it's a pretty big change for the character when comparing him to his book counterpart.

It's not about the rape itself though. It's about how Jaime's current arc in both the books and show have been arcs of redemption. Making the change from having consensual sex to having Jaime rape her undermines that arc because it's just so out of character for him. At this point in the books, this is where most

Adding Oleg honestly made Arkady and Nina's plots a lot more interesting.

The scene with Carrdine may be more appropriate after seeing sequential episodes.

This isn't a spoiler since it would have already happened, but in the book there is a line from Tywin to Tyrion like "One is for me and the other is for me son." Followed by the narration "Tyrion put Jaime's sword back down on the table." Haha.

It is pretty baffling to see TWD and Bates fucking Motel being rated on par with(or in some cases above) Justified.

She planned to kill Daryl. She was goading him into attacking her so she could kill him. Which is exactly what ended up happening. You could argue with the first shot to the balls that she did it impulsively, but there was no need for the last shot to the neck (especially considering a lawman was right there who

Romero is my favorite character because no matter what he is doing (Having a regular conversation/ killing Wynn Duffy/ investigating a crime ) he just seems so annoyed by it all.

Yeah, I really don't expect any kind of resolution to this plot line that will justify (< couldn't think of any other word, dammit) a full seasons worth of those prison scenes. From the postmortems Yost does every week, he said she would get out of prison, but it's all about it happening in an unexpected way. So

Honestly take out the entire Ava storyline and things would all flow SO much better and coherently. The content of the season was all up to the Justified standard, but every Ava seen felt so disjointed that it really felt like a different show breaking up the episode.

This may be the first show that I've ever watched where it starts it "meh" and progressively get even more "meh" yet I'll probably keep watching anyway because there's nothing else to do on a Monday night if I don't have to work Tuesday morning.

I thought the same thing.

The Frank's mom-cest thing was probably to show that Frank is married to Sheila, yet doesn't know who she is. In the very first Frank scene, he is shown to be back to normal.

Carl walks up a step halfway through that scene. When they are in the hallway, Lip is a lot taller than them and a step can be seen in the direction Carl is walking before the camera angle changes.

It was never actually confirmed that he would torture animals, but it was heavily implied. I've always personally seen that as the show's way to make him appear to be psychopathic without every really having to go all in. Maybe that's just the way I want to see it anyway haha.

Just those 3 I would think. He mentioned splitting his take 3 ways and not keeping any for himself.

Apparently it's A.V. Club now if I go off the top logo.