
Kickstarter to get AVClub new jokes.

He found out at the end of season 4 and has mentioned it pretty often ever since.

Noticed the same thing about Lily and Maggie.

I coincidentally downloaded it for free earlier today….oh this is why they're closing isn't it?

Having just rewatched the whole series, I'd probably call seasons 1-3 the " Nostalgia Era." Classics for sure, but most of the episodes I enjoy the most are a part of later seasons.

I was very glad to see a TV show touch on how the media can be huge instigators without ever having to accept the blame.

Seasons 4 5 and 6 all take place in the same year.

I'm finding it hard to care about the majority of the new characters. Even Tyrese. Supposedly he was a really badass character in the comic, and I like that actor quite a lot. Everything they've written for him hasn't been compelling at all for me.

Well you only really need 1 show.

Maybe he was able to learn what Placebo meant BECAUSE of the Placebo effect. He thought he was smart and learned a pretty easy word and acted arrogant. As for reading War and Peace, it looked like he was just flipping through pages.

I guess I'll give this season one more episode before I decide if I should drop it completely or not. I enjoyed season 1 a bit and I enjoyed season 2 a lot more. 3 so far just seems like they're just trying to be as weird as possible and it's just not very interesting to me. Fiona killing the next supreme was pretty

I recently rewatched the whole series in August and I have to say, Sunny has never had anywhere near a bad season. Even the seasons I used to think sucked (6 and 7) have some of my favorite episodes. Who Got Dee Pregnant, The Gang gets Stranded in the Woods, Storm of the Century, The Gang Gets Trapped. I also thought

I just took that as "the pill didn't work." No one can get smarter that quickly, and it seemed that everything he did learn was because he had that placebo effect. Once he realized he didn't, he gave up even trying in typical Gang fashion. Regardless, there's probably no answer and we're analyzing too much ahah.

I've always thought of Charlie's (and the rest of the gang's for that matter) stupidity as just a result of the lives they live rather than actually just people born stupid.

Was this the first SOA episode without Ron Perlman? Or maybe I missed a scene.

I'd be shocked if there was a character or actor on this show who WASN'T gay.

I didn't.

Let's not forget him playing Louie on Taxi. The guy just knows good comedy. He saw something in the first season and since adding him the show has really evolved season after season.

I've had the feeling that Clay will have some forgiveness by the time he finally goes out. Jax and Clay have always been at odds, but for everything bad Clay has done.he usually followed it with something almost equally good as well. He's yet to redeem himself for what he did in the 4th season so it leads me to

I know I was kind of nitpicking, but it just felt odd that her solution to killing a rapist was riding his dick until he dies. It just felt…idk how to put it to be honest.