
That honestly sounds like a recap of an episode I missed.

I'm the last person that wanted to hate this, but…..I already have so many issues already. For one it felt like I was watching a movie on the lifetime network and the gang rape certainly didn't help. The exposition was constant and terrible with lines every few seconds like "we get it, you're clairvoyant", "I'm a

It honestly gave me a lifetime network movie vibe.

The scene with Gemma having sex while the guards sat there and jerked off was probably the most on the nose scene regarding Sutter's cockold fetish.

Because gun dealers dealing with an organization and fucking somebody are completely different things.

Gemma hit menopause in season 1 so I don't think there is gonna be any pregnancy storyline.

My problem with season 8 had nothing to do with his fate.

From being cuckolded by Nero Padilla.

Odd that you say him being killed so early means we couldn't become emotionally attached when most fans of the show thought he was despicable. I thought he was smartly used as well. Rather than making him a big bad, the made him a short term threat that really wasn't as threatening as the character himself wanted to

I instantly thought of him when I read "Bunk" despite knowing he clearly wasn't using it that way.

Glad he got killed mid sentence, but I was really hoping Walt would take the cigarette out of his mouth and make him bleed out.

They all had the same structure IMO. Every song ended with a similar breakdown followed by Kirk soloing for too long. I didn't hate the album and every once in awhile I'll listen to and enjoy it, but it's one of the most quickly tiring albums I've ever heard.


Lars has a huge part in the songwriting and arranging process. Without him it's just James doing everything and that wouldn't last long. It's a shame they replaced the best songwriter that was ever in the band with a guy who doesn't/can't write any good songs. James and Dave would have been a terrific combo.

Put a movie on and play Rust In Peace in the background.

Did she like it?  I don't know why I care, but I do.

Sounds like you answered your own question.

Sean William Scott is in next week's episode. He wasn't the timeshare guy.

Having just watched Shawshank last weekend, I thought it sounded similar.

I was really expecting Mac to eat the documents.