
Nothing makes me more sick to my stomach than the thought of the first black president having to smile and cede the White House to the chosen candidate of the KKK.

“Remember when you go to bed tonight to set your clock back 60 years” —I saw this tweet last night and I think it’s sadly spot on.

Along with Viggo Mortensen and other idiotic third-party-supporting/abstaining public figures.

Omg, yes fuck you Susan Sarandon. I hope you enjoy clinging to your ideological purity while Trump guts this country and drags us back to 1851 or whenever he believes America was great before.

I’m ready for Dems in congress to just go full Tea Party. No attempts at governing, just obstruct whatever the opposing party is trying to do and hope you get rewarded come midterms because they’re in charge now and then everything can be blamed on the GOP. Why not?

I was just talking to my friend and I can’t even form a coherent thought, I just keep making sounds of distress.

I’m here feeling your pain.

The free press as we know it is gone and done. Trump has already stated that if he wins he’s going to do everything possible to put them out of business. Then again, most of the mainstream media gave him a pass on his BS and liked him because he delivered clicks and ratings. They gave passing mentions to his scandals

Hey, shitty white male assholes have pretty much run things for a while, you’ve borne it this long just like, stay strong man.

Bush showed some kind of respect for the institutions that the US is built on.

Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. I thought Brexit was Bad.....but turns it out it was just the warm up act. I look forward to seeing George A Romero’s vision coming true. The Zombie Apocolypse can’t come quickly enough.

To CNN for hiring those fucktit douchebag racist fuckfaces to defend Trump:

And this is exactly what the rest of the world understands about this situation. Fucking ignorant hicks voting for this lunatic. They really can’t conceive of a wider world being real, can they?

I was going to write a long thing but I drank my sorrows away. I’m so ashamed. Me and my family are fucked. This wasn’t just about red vs blue, real shit was on the line. I’ve never felt so hopeless.

To the 55M who thought Trump was a good idea...

If you haven’t seen it, look up Van Jones’ remarks from tonight about how race factored into this election. He refers to it as a “whitelash”. It was as much about fighting back against a broken political system as it was the conservative white population fighting back against the great strides we’ve made around

I am so drunk. I am crying. Ugly crying. It’s like no one gets it. I’m so sad for our country. So so sad.

Now is a good time for us on the West Coast to secede. I think we’re done with all that “United States” bullshit. Because tonight absolutely proved it’s bullshit. Unequivocally.

eight years ago to the day, i thought anything was, i think, everything is lost.

Racism is real. Sexism is real. Xenophobia is real. Homophobia is real.