I don't understand what's happening in these videos that is bad
I don't understand what's happening in these videos that is bad
@snoopjonny: Devoweled?!
It only gets harder to fix the game.
They're actually replacing it with the Mac Pro Cube.
@OreoExplosion: Yeah, and for the record, to hell with your Green movement!
@Deoki: What's wrong with the word such&mdah;and? Me and my nephew such&mdah;and a deer last week!
People need to stop being so nitpicky about stuff like this! Does it even matter? You'll see the same stuff, anyways.
@YardanCabaret: Hahahahahahaha that's amazing
Damn, Olivia Munn is on the Daily Show?
@YardanCabaret: Altough Jimmy John's sandwiches are 4" shorter than Subways, they pack a lot more meat into the sandwhich. If you watch them make their sandwiches at Jimmy John's, they pull the bread out of the top half to fit in a lot more meat, and they cut much deeper in than Subway does.
@YardanCabaret: Jimmy John's charges a lot less, and for a much better sandwich.
Once we have holographs, we're in the future.
Affordable foot's length? Subway is a huge rip off!
@ddhboy: Even more inevitable future.
"...in further news, Aperture Science has kindly agreed to stage testings to measure the capacity of learning for the subjects beta-testing Lockheed-Martin's new HULC unit."
@Dogen: You're so good at being smug
@dj underboob: That's why it's so unsurprising!
@nickpadovani: HAHAHAHAHAHA