
Eye Roll … you've written nothing.
And nothing upsets me except know it all hacks that bloviate with herds.
Yeah, I must have worked on it to defend it, lol … try an average joe that makes his own opinions. My "right" to so call "defend" it is that I watched each episode of the season (usually twice). Why did you waste

Oh, and where can I view or read such quality work?
I'll feel better afterwards when I tell you it sucks and it's no better then a network sitcom.

And Ebert & Roeper were always accurate in their critiques.
Keep following the herd

After last night, I sure am glad I did not stop watching. The reviews and critiques on the episodes/season both here and elsewhere have been nothing but a nit-picking hate fest.
Was it as good as Season 1? No … Was it a good season to watch? Hell yeah
You may all now return to your overwrought critiques and return to

I'm betting he jacked up the bids with a couple of phony accounts till it reached a level he thought air at his show was worth. Then wrote the check.

This douchenozzle lectured at Oxford?
Are you fucking kidding me?

From the second she felt the paper under her fingers being pulled from the other side, that "oh shit, no turning back now" moment, the sequence rippled with emotion on top of emotion after that. David's awesome uplifting comment about how awesome she was today, to her thank you for making her feel alive. All the way

"A musical choice of the show’s I wasn’t that crazy about: Didn’t James Blake’s “The Wilhelm Scream” seem to go on forever at the end? You’re falling, we get it."