
normally those stupid colored glasses are stupid. but on chris meloni? they are...less stupid.

beautiful work by chelsea beck in the header drawing 👏🏼 absolutely would frame that and put it over my dresser

the links are missing on almost all the bullet point stories on mobile. 

ooh, interesting addition, i didn’t know that. i thought they owned the colors outright full stop.

tiffany blue is one of the few colors in the world that is trademarked! i’m not sure if the box itself is, but they can certainly go after anyone who uses that shade of blue in their product.

this move was pettier than tom & the heartbreakers. the family (who i also normally like in general) has treated them like shit and offered none of the protection the firm normally gets (they've been saving it all for prince pedo). it’s bullshit, and i’m glad these two got out and can live a life that makes them…

warren is fucking it. she is smart, prepared, and willing to fight. she's a goddamn leader. how do people not want this person in charge? i want her in charge. i want to live in a place she leads. 

My debut book, LARGER THAN LIFE: A History of Boy Bands from NKOTB to BTS, is out 7/21/20

fuck yes. we absolutely need this woman in charge. hell goddamn yeah. 

The song, Never Let You Go, sounds like if the original was remixed to sound like an 8-bit video game. Initially I thought I hated it, but now that I’ve played it three times, I’m not so sure. Help!

he does inspire loyalty, weirdly, so i hope he uses that for good and stumps for a viable candidate.

i feel like the heel would make the strap between your big & second (??? does that toe have a name?????) toe dig riiiiiiiiiiight in there and feel awful. plus, what if the pre-designed wrap doesn’t wrap nicely around your leg, then you just have a weird gap-y snake circle around your lower shin.

ok casey’s pizza is if you’re drunk in the country for some reason, and waveland is admittedly excellent for hungover very late breakfasts. but smittys what?? how are you going to skip fong’s, 801 chophouse, el bait shop, or zombie burger?

PHENOMENAL so good incredible i will carry this energy with me throughout the rest of my natural life

CNBC does report that the median American household has $4,830 in savings

would like to give a huge round of applause to natalie peeples and allison corr for that truly excellent header graphic.

nono, you speak all of our truths. 

ooof, but look at that bottom corner cutting into her oblique! that sorta confirms it’s a hard material, and also validates my concern that this looks amazing in a photo but has to be hella uncomfortable to wear 

ok, so i was wondering if it was some sort of hard material or if like...they’d poured latex over her top half? and made the mold for her, and it was more flexible? because if it was a hard material, it would have to fit her so perfectly or it’d be wildly uncomfortable, and also doesn’t seem like she could move all…

that was my first thought, upon learning these two announced the winners: “oh, so this is going to be especially white this year."Â