i do not understand how gamers make money for their sponsors, or why they have sponsors. influencers (RIP as of very recently) actually make more sense to me than gamers who make money do.
i do not understand how gamers make money for their sponsors, or why they have sponsors. influencers (RIP as of very recently) actually make more sense to me than gamers who make money do.
Can’t they just like, renegociate contracts, or just get the hell out ?
OH. it's.....magnificent. thank you.
are there no photos of the xmas dick? the facebook link didn’t go anywhere, and the news station blurred it “to keep things pg-23.”
yes! and yes! i agree on everything. i was actually quite surprised how open she was. i think i’ve only ever seen her give planned speeches or read printed articles, and i always assumed there was a lot of thought into specifically what she’d be willing to say on record. turns out, she’s absolutely willing to say…
omg i just went to a q&a session she did at my university a couple weeks ago, and even though i didn't get the chance to meet her & instantly become bffs as i had dreamed, it was so wonderful to hear her talk so candidly and openly about her life. she just seems like the best person, and that's on top of being…
dude what is fashion. not that any of those céline looks blew me out of the water, but they were all recognizably clothes. i looked through that link and one model had a baby’s quilt wrapped round her shoulders, which, while cozy, doesn’t seem practical in public. another had a jazzy kitty print shirt with deliberate…
this is heartbreaking and wonderful
hahahahaahahaha. i don’t know that i would have thought that if i’d seen the pic before reading your comment, but after you said it it was the only thing i could see
overall, agree and a sad fuckin’ yikes, however i have some small counterpoints:
wait, is the base of a mer-tail at the hips? i would have assumed the base was in the ankle area, right before the fin bit. weird image, a hard and proud member slipping out of a slit at ankle level.
oh my god i forgot about daiso and there’s not one where i lived currently and damn, now i miss daiso.
nothing from yeezy is okay
if someone put up notes in my office saying “someone keeps swiping all the nut, fruit, and cheese snack packs and clearly hoarding them at home because half of them are gone the day after grocery delivery,” i would feel targeted.
at all times, the question is“what the fuck is going on with this family,” but right now i feel emphatically “what the fuck is going on with this family?”
i.......do not understand?