jfc right? is that what the rich folk think all of us poors live like? just...beige?
jfc right? is that what the rich folk think all of us poors live like? just...beige?
people who can dance like that blow my mind. it’s like she can control each separate muscle in her body and have them all do a very specific and different action at the same time, like rubbing your head and patting your stomach but way, way, way, way more advanced.
good. point.
honestly...here for the megamix.
what are your* thoughts on the fact that a remix counts toward the song’s spot on the list?
thank you 🙏🏼
can y’all at least start hyperlinking to instagram in the text, please, since kinja can’t figure out how to display ig posts on mobile?
thank mother gaia on high for lizzo. truly.
From the very beginning, my deceased wife worked when we had children
People said, “Oh my god,” because they immediately contracted toxoplasmosis upon hitting “play.”
is the witch actually the vvitch, with something about a goat and puritans and a dark, dense forest? i am too scared to look it up and verify, but if it is the latter i made it about 9 minutes in before i decided that this “more of a suspense, really” was utterly terrifying and had to turn it off.
yeah, this book & surrounding culture fucked me up for a while. there's a part of me that wants to be like "fuck this dude and the wreckage he caused" and then there's the other part of me that thinks this is actually a pretty good apology, and of course people need to be allowed to fuck up and then figure it out. i…
what a fucking gem of a human. i don't have anything constructive to add to this conversation. i just like hearing about her and knowing she's out in the world being such a goddamn force of nature.
i just had to do this speech on female explorers for a class i’m taking, and i learned about the inimitable ms. bly that she was quite taken with the idea of “Around the World in 80 Days,” and suggested to her editor that she do it! she wanted to beat phineas fogg by returning in 75 days. she left with 2 days notice…
send help i have had this single song on repeat all day long and i can’t turn it off i have even done research on homis asldkfwef
A Real Housewi[fe] had a baby.
wow i am not a member of the beyhive but this was stunning. visually and aurally. beautiful intentions for it, as well.
- needs more lizzo
- will see, will probably love immeasurably
- surprised betty cooper isn’t the one teaching, she obvi knows the business v well
- finally i understand the p of cardi b’s music, it is for this soundtrack exactly. but it also better have some lizzo.
i appreciate camila cabello’s dedication to making actual music videos. i feel like she had to have watched just as much pop-up video/TRL/top 20 countdown as i did in my youth and has such nostalgia for a good music video.
so, i love jane the virgin very, very much. but i always thought that they really, really glossed over the whole “incredible trauma of an IVF mix-up” aspect of the show. which, i realize, is the entire basis of the show. but basically jane was just like “oh dear, well he wants a baby and cancer and it was his…