Reina 日本人

I'd watch it. The first 8 episodes are pretty great. The middle of Season 2 (after Laura's killer is revealed) gets really bad, but stick it out and it does pick up towards the end. The finale in particular is one of the greatest things ever to air on US network television. FWWM is a very good movie and just worth

I like it a lot, but it's definitely more impressive from a technical standpoint than a story one.

While it's not as bad as the sequels, the first one has pretty poor action as well (see the construction yard shootout and final boat fight}, and is strangely almost totally bloodless.

To be fair, some of the best King {and books in general} adaptations are the ones which strongly deviated from their source material. I doubt that'll be the case here though.

Sweeny Todd I'll grant you, though it's like a decade old. Public Enemies is okay but pretty forgettable and Black Mass is a low -rent Goodfellas. Depp is barely a supporting character in Lucky Them.

Also in Apocalypse Now, though it worked in the movie. His rambling monologues were improvised because he wouldn't learn his lines and he was shot in shadow to try to hide how fat he was.

Has Depp actually been in a good movie in like the last 10 years?

It has its moments, but overall it amounts to a 150 minute explanation of why Xavier is bald. The opening was almost campy and final fight with Apocalypse though was so bad it turned into the schlock that I love.

That's definitely the intended arc with Jyn, but I don't think it came through well. You see wisps of it, but they didn't take nearly enough time to establish it. We know almost nothing about her as an adult except what we learn through a boring exposition scene, and her transformation didn't seem natural to me at all.

It's very 70s sci-fi, stark and abstract and not intended to be realistic. The prisoner cell block has only one way out, there are utterly pointless giant steel doors everywhere that close to block off hallways, retractable bridges over massive pits, and of course no railings on the walkways that go above endless

I agree. The first act of Rogue One is pretty terrible, and the plot meanders aimlessly with very little of consequence happening until the third act (which is great). I like the film but I can't deny that it's very uneven.

It never bothered me either. If you really want to get technical, the entire layout of the Death Star is pretty nonsensical and is clearly just designed to suit the purposes of the movie.

While I do agree with you about how safe and formulaic modern tentpole filmmaking is (looking at you Dr Strange), the reason for this is because audiences like safe, non-confrontational movies. It's why a film like Iron Man makes 100 times more than something like Eraserhead.

Now if only he could do something about Cameron's Avatar sequels while he's at it.

Pretty much. 2/3 of Ridley Scott's films aren't terrible, and his good movies are better than District 9 (the success of which Blomkamp has been coasting off for almost a decade now).

Say what you will about Ridley Scott (who can be very hit or miss), he he has a better track record than Neill Blomkamp. Even District 9, while good, is vastly overrated.

Oh , I wasn't aware of that.

Dune is one of the few movies I wouldn't mind being remade. It has a lot of potential as a concept but didn't really work the first time.

Sofia Coppola made like 2 good movies 15-20 years ago and has basically coasted off them ever since .

If you could edit down JP2 to the attack on the mobile unit, the raptors at the compound and the San Diego attack, then it would be decent. But the rest of the story, which essentially consists of annoying characters wandering around the woods for 90 minutes, is just so boring, and the movie never really comes