reina de los gatos

Maybe I’ll binge the last few seasons then! Or could I watch without watching those..?

ehhhh. Most people with common sense err on the side of ‘lets not talk about it unless the trans individual wants to talk about it’. That still makes no sense.

Is this show worth watching anymore..? I kinda gave up a few seasons ago because of boredom, but I read something about Hannah being pregnant and now I’m sorta curious. Is it any good now?


I have a soft spot for Ashton due to his THORN foundation. He’s a mediocre actor but he uses his celebrity status to do some really, really important work for sex trafficking awareness. It seems like his corny movies fund his passion projects, so... I kinda automatically love him.

I’m really not loving Katy Perry’s new hair. Reeeeally not loving it.
It makes her look washed out & also kinda seems like she’s copying KStew it seems like.
(Because clearly my plebeian opinion matters, lol)

.......that doesn’t surprise me but omg. Seems like people go out of their way to be ignorant.

also it doesn’t leak! sensodyne forever.

...although as someone pointed out in an above comment, pretty sure the leaking crest tubes are because people aren’t standing the tubes upright like they’re intended to be. lol

...okay it’s been a minute since I’ve been in school but aren’t fossil fuels bad for the environment? Is this satire? Or is this person legitimately saying this stuff?

exactly! lol. I’m sure she will be fine :)

He sounds like the sort of person who believes his opinion is the “only” opinion. Sad to see this happened, but Kate Bush is a legend and probably does not even care. She’s still huge in the UK/other countries. (And arguably has lots of fans in US as well, I’m sure she will book a different festival)

could just be a case of trying to save the marriage by having a baby :/ obviously not a good thing to do, but lots of people try that... i do not think she is a gold digger, I think she’s going through a rough time. I can only imagine how hard it must be on her to see all the memes and stuff about this.

I don’t like to watch stuff multiple times :) I could watch the finale, but then I’d have to rewatch it with her. Much easier to just wait!

I got my partner, who normally hates these kind of shows, to watch this with me— so far she loves it. Buttt sadly now I have to wait til she catches up on the episodes to watch the finale with her.

I have aspergers. April fools day is my worst nightmare lol. I’ve taken to just not believing anything that anybody says on April 1, ever.

Also like... after a certain age, is there really a point to participating in April Fools Day? Or am I just a party pooper?

The “let’s go to Florida” one where she’s just minding her business and large birds are in her space... As a Floridian, I can vouch this is 100% accurate.
Except in real life it would be geese, and those geese would be aggressively hissing/trying to peck her.

Sadly this is so true. At my old job, I was the first (and only) “out” person they had ever had. And the way I got the job was, at the interview they asked me about LGBT outreach stuff I had done with a nonprofit... so like... they knew upon hiring that I am a lesbian/care about LGBT rights and whatever. Some people

She probably was not lip syncing. If anything, I’m sure a sound engineer was on standby fixing vocals, but EVERY artist has that when they perform live. The mark of a seasoned singer, is being able to perfectly mimic the tone used in the song, every time. Believe it or not, it’s not only possible but expected. You

More power to her! She’s had an amazing run, she deserves to be able to take time for her family/to relax. Touring is strenuous, and so is recording.

Who knows, maybe she will get bored and come out of retirement in the future, but for now it seems like this is the best thing for her.

Adding to Rowen’s point... studios/labels don’t care if something will be harmful to the voice. If they want you to record, they want it RIGHT NOW, no excuses. The thought process they stick in your head is “well, there are always other singers who will push through... you don’t wanna lose the opportunity, do ya?”
