Bill’s still only seen as a rascal womanizer, not as a guy who used his position and power to have sex with a young intern at his place of work. Lewinsky was never granted that same double standard.
Monica Lewinsky was the victim of a deliberate and malicious attack on her character by both parties looking to throw her under the bus to either defend or attack Clinton. That entire debacle was constructed by newspaper headlines, 24-hour news cycles, and late-night hacks. She wasn’t just publicly shamed. She was…
1) Somehow it’s never the time.
Yes, this is great move vs child pornography.
“What about the children???!!?!?!!?!????!1" is tired and absurd. Telling people that their opinion will result in more raped children is so crazy that it can’t be true. How do people get this stupid?
Yeah it was awful when she kept using drink and drugs despite all the evidence and then strangl-oh wait.........
Ok, because I can see it’s gonna be one of those posts:
It’s one thing to say “Your dad’s a piece a shit”, and quite another to say “If anyone asks, your dad touched your vagina every night for months”.
Correction: It was corroborated by witnesses that Allen was regularly sexually inappropriate with Dylan, to the point where he had to enter therapy for it. Good try though.
But you know what your mother was saying was false. How is that relevant here?
This would be the first comment, i hate the internet.
can we bring back the dissolve ?
How about hating change, when its disastrous and destroys a community you loved? Is change a wonderful thing when say, your dad dies? I appreciate the efforts made to coax us all into this new Kinja.Gawker reality. Telling us to be patient and hush and won’t be so bad. Not the fault of the valiant AV staff. Just,…
What an utterly wretched publication this once illustrious news-paper has become! I am quite of the mind that the entire lot of your are liars and charlatans.
The cynical answer: the last two episodes of season 3 of VEEP. There’s something absolutely brilliant about suddenly making Selina president, upending the entire premise of the series by giving her everything she ever wanted and everything we never thought the show would let her have, only to reveal that all that…
AVQ&A about change...Bravo A.V Club.
Is there a happy ending for BoJack Horseman?