Reika Tachyon

This is sure to anger the orange retard.

Audrey finally shows up so that she can fulfill her purpose on this show: screaming and shouting hysterically at a midget for virtually no reason. Come on, guys. It's painfully obvious that Lynch is just trolling you now.

You got me.

This is also fundamentally true. I hate virtually every aspect of this planet and, if I had the means, would destroy it and every living thing on it in an instant without regret. In fact, I would find such momentous joy—orgasmic even—in ending what is, undeniably, a waste of good energy and matter.

Typical irrational reply designed to imply that I'm spending hundreds of hours on something that, in reality, I spend minutes on a day. I suppose I'm throwing my life away brushing my teeth as well, hmm?

As I said, I find meaning in watching humanity latch onto things and spend their hours puzzling over it.

I'm actually not mad, I'm sufficiently entertained. I love searching the web and watching people come up with metaphors and theories to explain what is masterfully woven chaos that, by design, has no meaning.

This I cannot deny.

I know you did. So many do.

Thank you.

So that when folks ask me if I watch Twin Peaks, I can reply, "yes, I have, and it is the single greatest embarrassment to television I have ever witnessed."

I'm sorry, but no. Once again, David Lynch has conned all of you into thinking his demented nightmarish crap has depth. It doesn't. None of his work ever has.

Eph sacrificed himself. Zach just sat there in discontent because he liked being The Master's pet.

He who wears the hair controls the universe.

Ship him to Gaza and let Hamas execute him in public.

Why would anyone even consider putting this mongoloid in a serious tv show?