
Ya. Even Cena won the United States Championship before getting pushed into the stratosphere. I was in the crowd during one of his best of 5 matches with Booker T for the US title. The crowd actually used to cheer for him back then. He was getting pushed without being overexposed. Why they can't do that now is

Even more so than Neville. It serves two purposes for Roman though. First, like you mentioned, the superhero look. Second, along with the design on his back, padding so he doesn't hurt himself too much taking bumps. If he got hurt again, they would have to push someone that got over naturally instead of killing their

You're right, but I hope it doesn't happen. I also hope to win the lottery.

Hehe. That totally sounds like something HHH would say too.

Ya. The problem is they are giving him the Cena treatment. Put him in the main event first, teach him the business second, and get all the real hard workers to prop him up in the meantime. An example would be Summerslam where Ambrose was working most of the match while Roman was "selling" outside the ring. Crowd

In all fairness, he took those bumps in his padded protector as opposed to the other guys who wear a shirt or nothing at all.

You're wrong. I don't hate Roman Reigns. I hate his main event status that he does not deserve half as much as a lot of the other guys.

Pure garbage. So many guys work hard to get over and Roman just has to stand there while HHH talks. Then in the promo he says he never accepted a handout. His entire main event push has been a handout. Not just from the WWE management, but from all the talented wrestlers who work their asses off with the ultimate goal

Why should he work hard when his momentum is always taken from him and given to Reigns? He knows he's being held back. In fact, there was an article not long ago about Ambrose being told to tone down his ring style. They claimed it was because they were worried about his health (load of bs) but really it was because

Ambrose earned it for him. He main evented back to back ppvs in the summer, had awesome heat, and then was put into the sidekick role so he could give his momentum to Reigns. Just like everybody else, his job is to make Roman look really, really, strong. Whatever he himself has earned, a lot of the other guys have