Well, Dubya was almost certainly a worse president than Trump. So far, at least. And that really, really says a lot.
Well, Dubya was almost certainly a worse president than Trump. So far, at least. And that really, really says a lot.
Being kind in general is a good thing! But certain people are awful and have done nothing to deserve kindness. GWB is one of those people.
This argument sucks, man! George W. Bush isn’t a lost child; he was the president. He saw photos of the torture, from the man who approved of that torture, and then he stood up for that guy. I linked to this in the blog, which I’m now not sure you fully read.
Literally, she’s suggesting that you can be just, or you can be kind, but you can’t be both, and when the two conflict, the righteous choose kindness. To paraphrase Hank Hill, that doesn’t make her look better. That just makes the virtue of “kindness” look worse.
oh thank god somebody said it. gwb wasn’t bad, he just oopsie-doopsied the country backwards into a pointless war that killed untold numbers of innocent people and eroded all kinds of civil liberties for our citizens. the road to hell isn’t paved with anything, so we can just give him a sticker for trying his best and…
However, while I don’t think it means everything, I do think intent matters. Every decision GWB made, he (wrongly) believed he was making the tough choices to make America safer in a time when Americans felt very unsafe.
There’s a difference between someone you disagree with and someone whose actions directly caused a LOT of death and destruction, regardless of his intentions. And we know enough now (and let’s be honest, this was not exactly hidden in 2003) to know that Iraq’s WMDs never existed. This wasn’t a misguided effort to keep…
I guess the point is, what is the expectation for Ellen here? Would it have been better for her to scream “you are a war criminal!” at Bush and then spit in his face?
There’s plenty of kind people all over the world who end up in concentration camps or get bombs dropped on their heads or get shot to death in a Wal-Mart or get kidnapped and sexually trafficked or have their homes and livelihoods stolen through various circumstances or have any number of similarly awful fates befall…
It bothers me so much that she tried to deflect all the criticism with “Just be kind!” It’s such a chicken shit defense that doesn’t reckon at all with the criticism she received. “Oh, you’re mad about me, whose celebrity is inextricably linked with her sexuality, hanging out with a dude who pissed all over gay…
I believe that the Bush rehabilitation tour is only teaching the Republican party that all they have to do is install someone worse than the last guy. I’ve heard people who call themselves liberal who say with a straight face that they miss that chucklefuck, and when called out, say “well, he’s better than Trump!”
Yeah, such an original thought.
Maybe Brown can give him a footjob
One day they’ll tell tales of the smoke from Yinzers burning AB jerseys being visible from space.
I cannot wait to see how quickly we get the “Belichick set this up from the start “ takes.
This is fake, right? I am reading The Onion now, aren’t I?