Regular Potato Chip

He didn't lube up the steak with enough ketchup.

My pick off the top of my head is Opeth's "A Fair Judgement". It's a lovely song to begin with, but for a band not really known for solos, it's an exceptional one.

Always a fine choice.

I really like New Amsterdam gin if I'm going for a low-juniper flavor and smoothness. It's not really traditional tasting, and it's almost citrus-y, but I think it's a great gateway gin, and it's cheap too for around $20 a handle.


The dead eyes don't help.

"Do I look suspicious?"

I assumed it was "harboring his own grudge…one that will reach a bloody, fiery conclusion during…worst case scenario."

I actually never did get around to checking out their discography. I think I forgot to after I made this post originally, but this comment just reminded me!

It took me about 3 hours of playing (and wanting to throw it out of the window) before something clicked, and I was like "Ah, okay fine, I guess I kind of like this."

That's basically how I feel. Every time I tried to follow along with something it seemed to take a weird, inexplicable turn.

I've always loved that decent down through the Grave of Saints down into the Black Gulch. It's so creepy.

I think Scholar of the First Sin stands equally in my mind to the first game, with the only exception being that the original DS was a fresher experience, so it has that bonus nostalgia.

For as original as these games have felt playing them, you're still basically fighting Castlevania bosses in 3D.

I loved the first two games, but I've just accepted that the lore and any (non)answers the games give are just going to keep making my eyes roll.

I really have to get around to playing DS3, considering I put over 100 hours into each of the original and Scholar of the First Sin.

Something something failing comedy central something. Bigly.

This looks a bit taxi-ng.

Moms say the Derndest things!

It's a tough call. I'm not sold on the quantity or quality of their programming being good enough overall to not also offer beloved classic shows.