
I could've written this letter. And then I got a metric fuckton of therapy and realized that I was actually a functioning co-dependent (thanks, Narcissist Dad!) programmed to Be Highly Competent (so that I couldn't be criticized and maybe would also get a little bit of attention for my achievements (note: didn't

Montgomery Clift. Not Cliff. Sheesh. Whippersnappers.

So y'all are arguing that a man with multiple children from multiple partners experiences the same social judgment - including loss of employment and other opportunities - as a woman in the same circumstances? Ok. Maybe times actually have changed.

The words may be used, but they don't mean the same thing applied to men as they do women.

Sure. All comments on the fact that he's been irresponsible. Nothing that even slightly rises to the equivalent of "whore". In fact, there *is* no equivalent to "whore" for men.

Huh. A *dude* can have five children with three different women and no one bats an eye, yet a story about a *woman* with five children by three different men would incite slut-shaming and cries of "whore".

Now playing

I can't believe I am linking to Fox fucking News for a sane voice, but -

While there are a lot of things to question about what happened here, saying, "she was obviously sick on Friday, before the fever kicked in" is completely irresponsible. Ebola is only communicable when the carrier is symptomatic, and you have no idea what symptoms she was - or wasn't - having prior to noting her

I love how he patiently waits for the icky girl stuff to finish before the start.

Er, ok...

Ha ha! Well played!

It's all about placement. Had that sentence come after the last paragraph, probably no one would have blinked.

Yes, I bumped on that too and came to comment. Perhaps the most tone deaf thing I've read since, well, since Gwyneth last opened her mouth about anything.

"Yea man, I totally saved this lady's life or something. Good waves out there today, bro." There. Fixed that for you.

Jesus these administrators are so fucking stupid. Everyone knows you say "pew pew" when you're playing games and "bang bang" when you really mean business.

"This does not get out to anyone on campus." It's like they really believe in Jedi Mind Tricks.

Holy Mary Mother of God. I thought the was going to be a story about night terrors. This is literally my experience every night, due I assume to some sort of sleep disorder. I know by now that it's all in my mind, and I am able to calm my initial panic and go back to sleep pretty quickly. (In the early days I would

And for them the lesson is next time, hire better lawyers.

RDJ and The Rock are in NYC at the same time??!! Pantymelt alert!

In Louisiana, "The case of a child who has been indicted for first or second degree murder, aggravated rape or aggravated kidnapping, and was at least 15 at the time of commission, is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the adult criminal court."…