
Quite frankly, 16 year olds should absolutely not be charged as adults. Their brains are still myelinating ferchrissakes.

I would think this was adorable and want to date him until I realized he copy and pasted it from any number of other Tinder intros.

Best use of Slim Jim's tagline ever. EVER.

Well I know where you're most likely to find mine...

I've read most of the response to your question, and also your responses to them. The problem is that you asked a question to which you were not really interested in answers. You "asked" just so that you could answer it yourself and share how you think the world should work with everyone. You were not really

Very well said.


Honesty is not the best policy when it can subject you to verbal and physical abuse. I just had this conversation with my boyfriend yesterday - most men have zero idea of the kind of crap we are subject to on a daily basis, whether dating or not, and how vulnerable we are. The problem is that good men view the world

"Why are women so afraid to say "no" and instead lie to get out of a situation as quickly as possible?"

Er, did you see what happened when they actually said no?

Yup. Over 35 and you're pretty much invisible. I have to say, it's AMAZING. The amount of daily douchebaggery I no longer have to endure is staggering. I'M FREE!!

I don't think that any of Elizabeth Taylor's children were particularly stunning.

And what these parents don't realize is that it's not just about their kids when they're kids, it's a lifelong deficiency. As in, congratulations, your eighteen year old is still a walking immunological time bomb who could go off any minute. We really need to change the laws to eliminate "Personal Belief Exemptions".

Oh hell no. That box is a necessary evil, specifically because it's the same size as *other* boxes. One Christmas I got a suspiciously sized box and opened it up to find - EARRINGS! They were pretty, but the panic I felt when I saw the box told me everything I needed to know about the relationship. We broke up three

I wish some of the folks in Ferguson had thought to record that scene instead of calling 911.

I don't understand this argument about distractions, especially when related to wardrobe, etc. Oh, someone dresses differently than you? Wears different makeup? A different hairstyle? Welcome to Planet Earth! Now get back to whatever it is you're supposed to be doing. These administrators are enforcing conformity to

WHAT?? Please share these informations with meeee!!

We had a neighbor like that. She made cakes (wedding, birthday, etc.) out of her basement and woman was PRO. When she made layer cakes, she would have to scrape the tops off so that they were level and could be stacked. She would bring over pans full of "cake scrapings" for us kids. She also made those sugar egg

I also looked for inconsistencies in responses that indicated gender bias. For example, if they thought women who had had sex with a lot of men were sluts, but men who had had sex with a lot of women were not - OUTTA THERE!

Online dating is a system. I especially liked OKCupid, because their compatibility algorithm is actually pretty accurate, if both of you have answered enough relevant questions (and have ranked the importance of each question honestly). I saw a ton of profiles of people that I would have actually dated had we met IRL,

What are you talking about - America is post-racial!