
It's so disturbing because she looks exactly the same!!

Wow! What a champ! If you didn't keep him, his sins must have been egregious to outweigh the ignoring of the fart!

A young lad was once going down on me when I queefed. I guess this was his first one because he literally fell off the bed trying to get away from the noxious fumes he assumed were about to envelop him.

Why do I feel like he's channeling Jack Black?

Nifty! Thanks!

Open up a separate savings account and transfer the money into it weekly. Easy peasy.

She's not even a real blonde. These two are trying so hard but just can't quite get there.

That one gave me the shudders. At least this was from a non-related, consensual, sexy times partner!

Any corporation that gets a poor review from this group gets all of my business!

Ha! Nope. Private gift exchange.

I got Flexi Felix anal beads. The thought was appreciated, but I'm just not sure I can stick something up my ass that looks like something I'd see at Bug's Life.

So it's ok to for men to manipulate and use women because they are meek or socially uncomfortable? Not.

Did anyone else notice there was a kitten in the foreground?

Oh God. I have a lifelong utterly irrational yet all encompassing love of gingers. If my life is Star Wars, then I'm Jabba the Hut, and gingers are Princess Leia. *yanks chain* Om nom nom!

Consider yourself lucky - when I was a kid our cat ate tinsel and pooped tinsel trains for days.

I love how the Brits call getting knocked up "falling pregnant". As if she tripped over the penis and onto baby.

Yup. Was at the whore toy store yesterday and was overwhelmed by the amount of Fifty Shades merch on the shelves. Blech. Nope. Sorry.

Oh - and try with the gaslighting. That stopped working on me a long time ago.