Here's some data on the correlation between alcohol consumption and sexual aggression in men. Turns out, the more a fella drinks, the randier he gets. Who knew? Prudie can shove her "advice" up her keester.…
Here's some data on the correlation between alcohol consumption and sexual aggression in men. Turns out, the more a fella drinks, the randier he gets. Who knew? Prudie can shove her "advice" up her keester.…
Oh, I think we know what it means!
The only thing I took from this video was, wow, his hands and feet are quite large!
I met a friend of a friend when we all had drinks at the bar. He was a handsome lad and seemed to take a shine to me. As we chatted, I asked how old he was. He said 35, Now, I'm 45, and that's a little young for me, but he was cute and made me laugh and I was willing to look the other way. About a half hour later, he…
Yep, hypospadias. How much you wanna bet it was the dude himself who had it and he was priming her so that she didn't think his penis was weird when he finally showed it to her? #creepsville
"Any reasonable person can distinguish..."
I'm confounded as to what you found objectionable. Was it the use of the word asshole? Would you have preferred butt? Or anus?
Because to say that a small minority of sexual assault victims found non-sexual assault more traumatic ignores the large minority who found sexual assault way more traumatic, and then opens the doors for fuckwads to justify sexual assault by saying it isn't traumatic, especially if it isn't accompanied by non-sexual…
Ah yes. The classic gas lighting response. Nice!!
And by the way, if you still think it's a valid question, why don't you go ask your "dear friend who was nearly destroyed by rape". I'll bet s/he could give you some insight.
Did you really have to ask, "Oh, is rape really worse than being beaten?" Was the answer not quite obvious? It's called empathy. Imagine you are a woman. Imagine that a man forcibly inserts his penis into your vagina. And then proceeds to have intercourse with you, against your will (perhaps having beaten you into…
Ok so would you prefer to be beaten up, or for your attackers to shove their penises up your asshole? Why? Why is the thrusting of the penis into your asshole so much worse than any other form of physical violence?
So (1) girls are not socially conditioned to tolerate abusive and exploitive behavior (2) DAs love fighting First Amendment defenses in pornography/exploitation prosecutions (3) it's super easy and cheap to get a lawyer to represent you in a lawsuit against an agency (especially the big, powerful ones) and (4) no one…
Your choice of words gives away your real agenda here, and your argument is a false equivalency. The flip side of allowing an adolescent the right to have an abortion should she choose one is not forcing an adolescent to have an abortion if she doesn't.
Grey may be 28, but he's based on Edward Cullen, who was about 100 (albeit trapped in an 18 year olds' body).
Ok, if I have to spell it out for you. The entire point of the article is that a "two absences" rule is arbitrary (i.e., gives no room for legitimate reasons to miss practice over and above the allowed days) and overly punitive, especially for the academcially-oriented, who not only engage in multiple activities in an…
You'd make an excellent Nazi.
Well, this would be why. They're all cheerleading instead of taking their SATs.
point = missed