
Where's your cite for that statement? Addiction is certainly not "almost always" a sign of mental illness. While drug addiction is common among the mentally ill, in many cases it is a sign of severe emotional trauma, which is not the same thing.

Whoops! Did not mean to big font/bold that!


And apparently you can't read, either. Had I meant "Go fuck yourself kindly", I would have said that. But I didn't. In fact, if you could re-create that scene from "Seven", playing the part of the hooker, the world would be a better place.

See, again, you cannot conceive of, let alone accept, that not everyone shares your view on "life".

See, this is where the problem lies. Because the religious believe a fetus is an "innocent life", and absolutely leave no room for the idea that other people don't share that belief. Personal and religious freedom does not include the right to impose beliefs on others. I don't care that someone else sees what they are

You can pray for an "innocent life" anywhere. You don't have to do it in front of a clinic. Or anywhere but the privacy of your own home, or your place of worship. And the "peaceful" protestors may not bother you, but they certainly may bother the people trying to get to the clinic to access health services, most of

Yeah, you don't have any idea what you're talking about and, quite frankly, are doing a huge disservice to the BDSM community with your post.

I thought you were referring to his date!

Because they didn't read the book, natch. ;-)

Fine. Feel free to tar her with her own brush. Just not with her spouse's.

It's hardly as cut and dry as you present it. By your measure Michelle Obama should be running to the courthouse to file. But enjoy the air up on your pedestal.

So, we're judging women by the actions of their spouses?

Me too. At least the browser I installed for anonymity but which seems to cock block all my porn surfing actually saved me, for once.

Well, I mean, it's not like Hitler invented genocide...

3. Has-issues.

I beg to differ. As a child I stepped on our cat with my toddler hard soled shoes. He waited until the right moment to take a swipe back. Forty+ years later, I still have the scar under my eye.

Your mom was bad ass!