Regressive Goosesteppers

"Bitch Planet soars"

"I'm a celebrity."

It's a good thing you're too stupid to comprehend irony.

That explains why watching Sarkeesian propaganda makes Youtube recommend ISIS videos.

Clearly a lie, being that you're on a page dedicated to Sarkeesian's sexist propaganda.

So, you're another pseudoAtheist who thinks Islam and Buddhism are supposed to be given free passes.

To know for sure, you'd have to watch Feminazi Frequncy, and that's just silly.

More desperate lies and hysteria from Anita "Wire Fraud" Sarkeesian and her ghostwriter.

No conundrum., no quandary. Portman is just objectively a horrible actress, and frankly, a huge peon to boot.

Jus because you're a closeted pedophile with horrid taste in acting is no reason to lash out at everyone else.

"I feel like there's a large portion of the internet that has a Mad Libs version of an angry, misogynistic screed"