so is this just sex in the city?
so is this just sex in the city?
Where can i watch this, no netflix no hulu,
Its so hard, im tooo old to be looking through streaming sites i jsut wanna watch one show legally but not getting an entirely new tv packaged
They will alawys be getting by never succesful which is sad
so is this kid gonna have to start fillin out such to fit the batman image
i thought grundy was a green lantern villain
ehhh nah Diana is naieve but not a man child, like thor was
it was flashy
nah they jsut need the right villains, the genereal on that super gas put up a fight
Nate cant get a better looking guy his own age though?
good tv isnt popular tv
ties with professor trelawney
i though pearl did it
steven a pascifist
does the earth queen getting asphixiated count, i think the last half only aired online
"What do you know about My mom Lars, I dint even know, I knew she loved enything even jerks like you"
hes actually an illegal alien
yes he can thats the plot of injsutice, or he would have been killed off early
i doubt it but honestly this season, doesnt really intrigue me to come back it was good but random after where we left of the year before
well it wasnt slapstick violence it was gore
that is the quad
it also helps that anika is stunning