Regina Phalange Redux

I’m glad you posted. Two doctors are currently shoving gastric sleeve surgery down my throat. I DO NOT want it. I had a piece of bowel removed when I was 7, so I already have problems with nutrient absorption and intestinal distress. I would love to be thin, but almost none of my medical problems are going to go away

Ack. I meant profession, not professional. Too late to edit!

I just got into an argument with my third cousin over this whole debacle. She keeps going on and on about people abusing the system. Meanwhile, she receives food stamps and Medicaid, lives at home with her parents because she flunked the certification exam for her professional MULTIPLE times (think bar exam, but a

Combover Caligula is the best name I’ve heard yet. A+!

My mother is all over this. Except she’s a Republican, so she’s all over it because she thinks Obama broke the wire-tapping laws and tapped Trump Tower without a warrant. She posted something on Twitter this morning about how this “needs to be shared.” For once, we agree on something, but not for the same reasons.

J.T. Ellison’s Taylor Jackson series is really good. The books are published by Harlequin and categorized as romantic suspense, but there are like two pages of kissing/sex in each book; the rest is all serial killers and police business. I got one of the books for $1.99 after seeing it advertised on Bookbub, and then

I really don’t think so. She’s just a very low-key person who doesn’t care to know about anything outside of her immediate areas of interest.

It’s Muphry’s Law at work. Any time you criticize someone else’s spelling or grammar, you’re bound to make an error.

I actually don’t know that much about it! Every time I try to read a book about it, it’s way beyond my knowledge of physics and astronomy. They need a “Dark Matter for Dummies.” Last summer, a few of my friends and I saw a movie about dark matter at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. I was

In my aunt’s case, I am pretty sure she voted for him because of the “build the wall” rhetoric and her fear that someone was going to take her guns away.

I had to take growth hormone when I was a kid due to pituitary HGH deficiency. Before I started taking them, I had always been slender, even underweight at times. After taking them, I gained five inches in height and about 30 inches in width. I firmly believe that they changed my body in a way that makes it difficult

I’m pretty much a walking UTI. When I was 6, my urologist cut a piece of my small bowel out and used it to make my bladder bigger, colonizing my bladder with E. coli. I’m usually asymptomatic, but I have gotten some wicked kidney infections. I used to take antibiotics year-round as a preventive (taking one drug for

I love her dearly, but she has absolutely no curiosity about the world or anything in it. She is a math teacher, and all she wants to do is maintain enough CEUs to keep her teaching license. She HATES reading, doesn’t care about politics, thinks cool space stuff (e.g. dark matter, my newest obsession) is “boring,” has

My cousin (she’s 36) still uses AOL (just the email, not the Internet service). I want to introduce her to Gmail, but I’m sure she has no interest in it.

I’d rather be like your mother than my mother. I love the woman, but I hate her political views. I have several medical problems, some of which can be (and have been in the past) life-threatening, and she’s still against the ACA. Like, how can you raise a sick child and not at least have some fucking awareness of the

People do change. I could just die when I think about how I used to feel about political issues. I was raised by Republican parents (not as Republican as they are now; they’ve crossed into “Obama is a Muslim, no taxation without representation, let’s join the Tea Party” people). When I graduated high school, I was

My mother has not said one word to me about Trump, which tells me she either knows it will end in a big argument, or even she (a rabid Tea Partier) is embarrassed by him. We got in a giant argument over the ACA last week, and I was ready to fly back to my hometown and yell at her in person.

What are they supposed to do about it? They have pretty much no power with a Republican president and a Republican majority in Congress.

I’m working on a mystery novel. When I search for crime-related stuff, I always add “for writers” or “for mystery authors” to my searches. I’m sure it wouldn’t help if somebody close to me died of something I’d searched for previously, but it makes me feel better.

That’s exactly why I love “trash TV.” My day job involves reading and writing technical documents for up to 12 hours per day. When I have leisure time, all I want to do is kick back and watch RHoBH or Law & Order: SVU.