
You have to import it or redeem the code. I think they have a few ways of doing it.

Nope. Missed the point. Try once more.

I have no idea why they've never brought that would do VERY well for at least a little while.

I agree to a point, but I believe that it's the job of the people making the games to ensure that they're using the power of each system to its fullest. If they decide to take the cheaper/easier way out and build for the 360 and port over, that's not Sony's fault.

The best part of Open Water: when the husband jumps into bed nude and you can see his bum.

Sir, are you upset?

They can. Whether they always do or not is another story. But certainly they can.

Gross. Why?


To be fair, "i" is Apple's I don't think you can really fault them for using it. The HD thing, though...

The funniest part of the original Meet the Parents was when the lady sitting behind me at the theater audibly shit herself on the way to the bathroom.

Haha, I'm not offended. I think it's funny how serious this all is to you. Have fun with your outrage, muffin.

Nintendo MOSTLY does the same thing, but not always. DS launched here first, for example.

I know, why should I get to complain about anything when there are storms out there taking out power? I should have realized that it's impossible to have a problem with anything when storms are taking out power left and right. I apologize for pointing out that, technologically, we have advanced past having to pull

So don't play it. Generally when I don't want to do something, I don't post pissy messages all over Kotaku about it.

I hear people crowing about the constitution constantly...I'm pretty sure no one forgot it.

Do you get this upset when a game is all-white?

Forced? Like someone holds a gun to your head and makes you play?

How are we living in the year 2012, but Sony still needs to take down the entire online presence of the Playstation 3/Vita/PSP to do some "maintenence?" posted that whole thing to call someone ELSE a "F - A - N -B - O - Y"?