
I don't blame you, I tend to always come across people who seem to have no day job or other hobbies when I play online and I quickly go back to murdering the computer on the Easy setting after they have their way with me.

There's an online pass, too...

Who doesn't need a good taint power-wash sometimes? I'd like one right now.

If they choose to get angry, let them.

I really hope it does piss them off and I also hope that Nintendo tells them to shove their outrage up their fat asses.

The DS Zelda games are absolutely not as bad as many say they are. Different? Sure. Bad? Hardly.

tl; dr

I wish someone would use a WMD on whoever taught you grammar and spelling. DAMN TEACHERS UNIONS! LIBRULS!@

You're arguing with people who are willfully ignorant. Don't try to fight with them, they'll dumb you down with them.

Don't you just hate awful people who devote their lives to teaching children and then DARE to ask for benefits? I hope they die in a fire. Also, libruls and jeeezus.

Trolling, right?

I hated when I would move files on my PC and iTunes would have no idea where it went. iTunes on OSX, however, figures it out without me having to do a THING which is lovely.

Why can't people just understand that the concept of an "album" came directly from Jesus at the beginning of time and that's how ALL music should be enjoyed and it should never change? Is that so hard to grasp?

GAWD, can it just be tomorrow already? I'm not good at waiting and I KNOW my system is already at Best Buy waiting for me *cries*

Don't you just hate progress? I wish we still used black and white TVs, myself.

So it's an Apple thing with you, then. Lovely.

I actually enjoy using it. The added size is awesome and I can use the A B X Y buttons much easier with it on. Frankly, I don't even think it looks that bad.

I'm happy you posted this comment because it relates so profoundly to what Mr. Cleese was just speaking about. Unfortunately, however, you can't understand why.

You're grasping at straws, muffin.

So not mentally slow, but unable to do math which involves using one's mind. Got it, makes total sense.